Ecodyfi provides services to clients in the public and third sectors, in addition to delivering grant-aided projects. Sometimes this is done as part of a consortium, drawing on ecodyfi's strong networks. Our strengths include our connections with local businesses and the wider community, meaning we are well placed to act as a bridge for academics and policy work. Our knowledge and experience includes renewable energy, resource efficiency, tourism, facilitation and communication.
Examples of contracts

The Citizen OBservatory Web was a 4 year research project funded by the EU’s FP 7 Programme which ended in October 2016. It enabled citizens to collect environmental data using mobile devices, for subsequent use in research, decision making and policy formulation.
COBWEB worked in Biosphere Reserves, and the Dyfi Biosphere was the main test area for the software solutions developed. Ecodyfi supported locals and organisations to monitor habitats and learn about the Biosphere, as well as advising about the area and providing access to local networks. This enabled a co-design process to be adopted for the pilot work carried out by volunteers and staff of participating organisations.
Ecodyfi was one of 13 European partners. The consortium included Welsh Government, businesses and Universities. We were contracted by the University of Edinburgh.

The Cymerau project engaged people in Borth, Tal-y-bont and the surrounding area in discussions about water, to stimulate consideration of our connections to, and reliance on, water - and of how that impacts on community. This action research project was funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, and ecodyfi wes contracted by Universities - initially Aberystwyth and subsequently Bath Spa. A number of artists were commissioned to work with communities, mostly between September 2015 and August 2016. Ecodyfi organised some of the events and led the community engagement, communication and linking to policy and other initiatives.

Renew Wales was set up with Big Lottery Fund support, to help community groups tackle the causes and impacts of climate change through advice, training, mentoring and technical support from other experienced community practitioners. Ecodyfi is contracted to coordinate this support in Mid Wales and to act as a mentor where appropriate.

This was a Welsh Government service providing people (domestic, businesses, voluntary and public bodies) with a single point of contact for support with using resources (energy, materials and water) more efficiently. Ecodyfi was part of a consortium led by Severn Wye Energy Agency that supported householders and community groups, such as village hall managers. We worked in Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire and southern Gwynedd. The programme stopped at the end of October 2017.