Working with others
Y Pantri
Arbed Bwyd Machynlleth Food Surplus
Arbed Bwyd Machynlleth Food Surplus is a Food Group in the Dyfi valley working closely with other initiatives. It promotes a Bro Ddyfi where food waste is minimized and everyone has access to healthy food.
Their aim is to reduce food waste by collecting surplus food and making it available to those who want it.
They are creating a base/hub/'shop' in Machynlleth where people can come and obtain food (that otherwise would go to waste) free of charge or for a donation. They would also like to make such food available to people in need who can't access the premises.
The contact E-mail is:
Ecodyfi is supporting this group by providing banking and book-keeping services – a ‘fiscal host’ role.


Windfall collects a proportion of the revenue from energy generation in Mid Wales and redistributes it among local communities. This money is offered as grants for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects to communities, householders, farmers, schools and businesses across Mid Wales. The basic income is supplemented through match funding from UK and EU sources to maximise the financial capacity of the scheme.
Bro Ddyfi Community Land Trust

The Community Land Trust aims to provide affordable and sustainable housing, and other community benefits, for the people of Machynlleth and the Dyfi valley.
It has the power to acquire and hold land and property for the long term prosperity of the area (Bro Ddyfi).
It hopes enables local people to build a thriving and inclusive community through the democratic ownership and stewardship of land.
There are no current projects or assets. Currently the Trust is administered through ecodyfi.

The Dyfi Biosphere is an area designated by UNESCO fulfilling conservation, education and development aims. Biosphere Reserves explore locally how sustainable livelihoods, vibrant cultures and robust economies can be based on healthy environments.
The Dyfi Biosphere has no staff of its own, ecodyfi supports the Dyfi Biosphere Partnership in a secretariat role. We also provide the main contact point for the Biosphere.
Dyfi Community Energy Fund

The aim of the Fund is to reduce carbon emissions in the Dyfi Valley, to combat climate change and improve resilience.
The Fund is designed to benefit the Dyfi Valley area and originates from the profit from two community owned wind turbines near Machynlleth.
Ecodyfi is involved with grant applications, marketing and also receives it's own funding to support community projects in the area such as Machynlleth Repair Cafe and Bee Friendly Machynlleth.
Heart, Mind, Body Support is a community led project supported by Coed Lleol (Small Woods Wales) and ecodyfi, in liaison with Trywdd Iach / Outdoor Health. In this time of crisis, it aims to help, reach out and improve wellbeing.
The project offers free online live sessions with local community and professional facilitators to support people at home during lockdown. Sessions include yoga, nature connection, fitness, dance, meditation, sharing, chi gong, singing, art and more.
To find out how to join the sessions, visit their webpage or Facebook page.
If you can make a donation to support the project, please click on the button below to donate via Paypal.